We report a case of an acquired aorta–right atrial fistula, secondary to a ruptured proximal anastomosis of an old saphenous vein graft 12 years after a coronary artery bypass surgery, in a 57 year old patient with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. On admission, he presented with congestive heart failure and on examination a continuous murmur was detected on the right parasternal border. Catheterization showed a fistula from the proximal anastomosis of an occluded right coronary artery saphenous vein graft draining to the right atrium with a large left to right shunt. The fistula was successfully occluded by a percutaneous approach with a Life Tech duct occluder with complete resolution of heart failure. The patient was discharged one week afterwards. After a two‐year follow‐up, the fistula remained occluded. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.